Wednesday 30 September 2020

Beating the Post-Surgical Stress on Pet Dogs

Surgeries are overwhelming for both pets and their parents. However; thanks to the advancements in veterinary medicine, relieving the pet of pain and discomfort is not challenging anymore. Here’s what pet parents can do to make their four legged companion comfortable.

Surgeries are hard on pets as well as pet parents. In fact, if pets could speak, they too would agree. The pain and inflammation associated with surgeries limits their mobility and makes it challenging for them to carry out their daily chores too. It is therefore, the pet parent’s duty to ensure providing appropriate care and treatment to help them endure post-operative pain and stress. Besides love and care, proper medication is the secret to effective pet care.

Why Deramaxx for Pain Relief

Deramaxx for dogs received approval from the FDA in 2011 to be safely used to reduce post-operative pain and inflammation associated with orthopedic and dental procedures. Prior to this, it was used to control pain and inflammation related to Osteoarthritis in senior dogs. So, most vets prescribe Deramaxx to reduce the pain associated with surgical intervention or injury. It is a Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) used to control pain caused due to surgery or injury.

Well, Deramaxx may show certain side effects in few dogs. It may cause gastrointestinal side effects and affect the liver and kidney adversely. It is therefore, administered with food in a bid to control gastrointestinal side effects. Administering the dose carefully saves the pet from hostile effects on other organs. It is essential for pet parents to abide by the instructions given by the veterinarian after the surgery. It is also important to understand that Deramaxx is an Rx drug, and despite being aware that it can reduce pain, it should not be administered without consulting the vet. Most of the time, the vet prescribes pain management medicines prior to the surgery. However, in certain conditions, when the pain is expected to be tolerable, they may not prescribe. However, if the pet observes excessive pain, then a visit to the vet is mandatory. Antibiotics are also prescribed to prevent infection after a surgery. All medicines should be strictly given properly to save the pet from mishaps. Well, despite proper care, a small percentage of cases may observe side effects. In such cases, the vet must be consulted and appropriate care provided immediately.

Besides medications, a few other points are advisable.

  • Increased urination may be observed. As the pet’s reduced mobility may restrict it from going outside, the pet owner must ensure carrying it and taking it outside every few hours.
  • Keeping the canine hydrated is advisable. Due to the pain, the pooch may be unable to go to the water dish as usual. So, it must be given an opportunity to drink water regularly.
  • Wound care is a must for speedy recovery and comfort. Pet parents need to follow wound care instructions given by the vet and ensure keeping it clean and dry all day long.
  • Observing the furry companion for increased pain or discomfort and providing appropriate and timely treatment.

Love and care associated with proper medication can keep a pet comfortable even after a surgery. Moreover, keeping the medication supply in check can save pet parents from the undue stress and rush on the day of the surgery. Petrx2go is a genuine online pharmacy that houses all genuine drugs and also delivers them at the customer’s specified place.

For further details, contact them at

Friday 18 September 2020

Vetmedin, Its Use and Side Effects in Dogs

Vetmedin, although well known for treating symptoms of CHF in dogs; suffers from certain side effects. Pet parents must be aware of these, so as to treat them without undue delay.

Pets are human’s most precious and lovable companions. Watching them wane in pain is distressing for their parents. Pet owners therefore, take good care of them and ensure giving them a happy, healthy and safe life. However, thanks to the significant advancements in pet care, vitamins etc are also administered to keep them healthy, while preventing multiple diseases. Medical care is not restricted to curing diseases anymore, but also expanded into every day care.

Pets and Diseases

Well; despite advanced medical care and loving pet parents, some diseases do threaten pets with age and time. One such problem encountered by most senior dogs is Congestive Heart Failure. The good news for pet parents is that it can be effectively treated with Vetmedin for dogs, better recognized as the wonder drug for pets suffering with heart diseases. Constant administration of vetmedin for dogs under the supervision of an experienced vet is known to improve the quality of its life and enhance longevity. In fact, Vetmedin is known to enhance a pet’s life by a good nine months to a year; more so without the reluctance to play, jump and walk.

With age and time, the heart fails to function as efficiently. Vetmedin for dogs has shown significant improvement in the functioning of a dog’s heart. Regular administration helps the heart to pump efficiently by opening the blood vessels leading to and from the heart. It enables the heart rate to increase, enhances the ability to contract and also relieves the pressure from the heart. A dog otherwise suffering with congestive heart failure has a poor quality life due to improper functioning of the heart. In fact, the otherwise active pets soon become lethargic, are reluctant to carry out their daily chores and even conduct activities that they once loved. Vetmedin for dogs is indeed a relief for these mute, yet lovable companions who even fail to express their distress. Well, pet parents can now rejoice; thanks to vetmedin.

Side Effects to Look Out For

However, all may not be as rosy as it seems. This wonder drug suffers from certain side effects. Commonly observed side effects are vomiting, diarrhea, poor appetite, lethargy weakness, dyspnea, azotemia and ataxia. Some other potential side effects include loss of coordination, seizures and uneasiness. In fact, it may also affect the heart’s ability to contract. The cause behind these may be an incorrect dosage, untimely administration etc. However, when administered under the expert supervision of a reputed vet, it has mostly shown surprisingly positive effects in dogs suffering with heart diseases. A small percentage of dogs have known to suffer with side effects despite being careful about dose and time. To steer away from any mishaps, pet parents should visit the vet without delay on observing any of these side effects. Moreover, it is important to ensure that they recognize fake or expired drugs and purchase only genuine drugs from genuine online pharmacies like PetRx2go.

For further details, contact them at

Thursday 3 September 2020

How to Restore Life in Dogs Suffering from Cushing’s Syndrome?

Cushing’s syndrome is a common endocrine disorder which affects mostly in middle-aged and older dogs. The affected dogs tend to produce excessive amounts of cortisol, which is responsible to fight stress and inflammation in body. As a result, the dog faces several health related complications.

Cushing’s syndrome is a common disorder among dogs, which occur when the body makes too much of cortisol. Though the hormone helps to respond to stress, control weight, fight infections, and keep blood sugar level under control. But an excess (or inadequate) production of cortisol, can lead to severe problems. Vets generally recommend Vetoryl for dogs to control the situation. With regular medication, the symptoms of Cushing’s disease tend to fade.

What causes Cushing’s disease?

The main reason of Cushing’s syndrome is a tumour in the pituitary gland or the adrenal gland and the tumour is often benign. The dog suffering from Cushing’s disease develops signs that are clinically quite similar to those of aging process. The tumour cells produce huge amount of ACTH hormone that stimulates the overproduction of cortisol.

No matter what the reason of the disorder is, the result is the same. It shows slow development of combination of clinical signs that are commonly associated with Cushing’s syndrome.

Signs and symptoms of Cushing’s disease

Cushing’s disease is more common in older dogs and in smaller breeds. Some of the most noticeable signs include hair loss, pot-belly, skin disease, changes in behaviour, frequent urination and a ravenous appetite.

Other signs and symptoms include:

  • Excessive urination with possible incontinence
  • Large water intake
  • Ravenous appetite
  • Excessive panting, even at rest
  • Muscle wasting and weakness
  • Frequent urinary tract infections (cystitis)
  • Pot-belly
  • Lethargy
  • Hair loss, thin skin and recurrent skin infections

Diagnosis and treatment of Cushing’s syndrome

The most common methods of diagnosis of Cushing’s syndrome are via

a.    ATCH stimulation test – Blood test to measure how well the adrenal glands work in response to a hormone called ACTH that usually prompts them to make cortisol.

b.    Low dose dexamethasone suppression (LDDS) test – Blood samples collected to check how your dog’s body works with a man-made version of cortisol, called dexamethasone.

Treatments of Cushing’s Syndrome

If there is a tumour on the adrenal glands of the pet, it can be surgically removed to get rid of the problem. But, in case the tumour has spread to other parts of the body, surgery might not be the solution.

Under such situation, the most common drug recommended is Vetoryl for dogs. Along with the medication, it is necessary to keep a track with regular check-ups and tests to make sure his treatment is working.

How to assess improvement with Vetoryl?

Your vet would study the improvement with Vetoryl treatment by:

a.    Improvement in clinical signs

There would be sudden decrease in your dog’s appetite, and the amount of water they drink in the first two weeks on treatment. These are the initial two clinical signs, while the others may take around 3-6 months to show improvement.

b.    Blood tests

The vet would ask for regular routine blood tests and an ACTH stimulation test to assess whether or not the treatment with Vetoryl is effective. The tests would follow at 10 days, 4 weeks, 12 weeks and subsequently every 3 months after starting treatment.

Management of Cushing’s syndrome

Cushing’s syndrome can never be totally cured. All you can do is successfully manage the condition with regular medication like Vetoryl for dogs. Vetoryl is the only licensed treatment for use in dogs, contains the active ingredient trilostane, a drug which reduces the production of cortisol by the adrenal glands.

Vetoryl is available on reliable online animal pharmacies like PetRx2Go. They sell products which are USDA or FDA approved and ship from the United States. They sell the same exact medications sold by your veterinarian, and they do not sell expired or foreign medications. Their products and medicines are sold at the best price, guaranteed. From prescription medications to supplements, Petrx2go is here to help keep your pets happy and healthy.

Get in touch with them on or at 1-800-798-2165 to know more.

Six signs to catching Cushing's disease early

Cushing's disease is caused by an overabundance of cortisol, a hormone generated by the adrenal glands. Abnormalities in the pituitary g...